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What You Should Have Learned From The Facebook Outage

We recently saw a major outage from the popular social media app, Facebook®. Millions of people lost their ability to watch their favorite cat videos for nearly an entire day and the world lost it's mind. There were others though, who rely heavily on social media, that took a heavy hit. 


The Zuck (Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook) for example, reportedly lost billions of dollars. Others, such as social media marketers, lost a whole day of work and could not promote their own material. Worst though, were the people that rely on Facebook for their websites. People thinking that a Facebook/Instagram page or group is enough to run their business got a rude awakening. They were nearly erased from the internet. Here are a few things we can take away from the Facebook?Instagram/Whatsapp outage.


Facebook Owns Content


If you are posting content on any of these social platforms, the content you post is theirs, not your own. During the outage, people wouldn't be able to call up Facebook and demand that all their videos they had done be recovered. Facebook and all of the other social media platforms own everything that is posted on their platform, so that once it is gone, it is gone (supposedly).


You Need Your Own Platform 

What you should have taken away from this is that you need your own platform. You need a place for clients to gather information about your business and services other than a social media platform. Paramount Leadership has been working to make this a part of how we do business. Many of our own clients do not have social media and would not know if we existed if all we were was a facebook page. They would not be able to get the support they need or join our own groups if they were all on a social media platform.

What To Do Next

Now that we have learned our lesson, we must take action. If you need help building an online presence, Paramount Leadership is here to help you. Schedule a free meeting with us to discuss your needs. We will help you know where to turn to become digitally self-reliant and build your own platform for clients to come to.